1. Be detailed about your issue

Supplying detail information to a support agent help them to resolve your issue promptly. This also avoids the support agent to have to ask you for more information. 

Here are some common information to consider including in your ticket

  • What were the exact steps you performed?
  • What time did the issue occur?
  • What username were you using?
  • What screen were you on?

2. Supply screen captures, logs etc

Seeing is believing, so the best way to convey the issue is to provide a screenshot along with your ticket. 

There are a number of ways to take a screenshot of your screen.

1. For Windows users, you can press 'PrntScr' key on your keyboard, which captures a screenshot and puts it in the clipboard.

2. Windows 10 users can use the program 'Snipping Tool' and select the area on the screen which they would like to highlight. 

You can paste these images in an email to send it to the support team. 

3. Supply environmental information

Supplying us with environmental information such as which web browser did you use, any updates to work machine, new printer setup can help in understanding the tools used and could also help narrow down the issue as well. 

If you are unsure how to get information from your web browser, you can enter the web address 'http://www.whatsmybrowser.org/' in your browser. You will get all the information about your browser which you can share with the Support Team. 

4. List all actions you tried to fix the issue